
Disaster Response Drones Help With Critical Responses Drones are not just being bought by the general public. Public safety units are starting to utilize drones for a great number of missions. Disaster can strike anywhere, and just because something goes awry, doesn’t mean that law enforcement, and other departments can immediately respond. They an dispatch a lot of people, but they still have to get to the locations that are hardest...

Firefighter Drones Help Fight Fires and More Drones are commonplace in the general public today. But did you now that firefighters use them as well? These are advantageous for all firefighting crews because it can help with al to of different purposes. These are not just about framing things from above, they can be used in a great number of options. Firefighters today are not only having to fight against vicious...

Police Drones - Helping Serve and Protect With Technology Drones are now a part of the general consensus. In terms of public safety, you’re going to find that there are lot of technologies that are being used, and one of the most important ones sit hat of drones. Drones are being used in so many different areas, that it’s starting to show a lot of promise for law enforcement as well...

Drones For Search And Rescue When it comes to the world of search and rescue, you’re going to find that a lot of equipment is needed to survey a great deal of land. Whenever there’s a storm, natural disaster, or someone goes missing, these public service agents are dispatched to help with the bigger scope of what is going on. In the past, they would relegated to using helicopters, boats, and...

Drones Creating Better Real Estate Photography and More More than ever before, drones are starting to proliferate all industries in the world. You will find that one of the most compelling of options is found within the use of drones for the purpose of real estate sales, marketing, and photography. Taking photographs of houses, land, property, and much more is usually a matter that takes a great deal of time and...

Drones And Thermal Inspections You already may know about how drones can give you bird’s eye views of many different locations, survey landscaping, and much more. This is something that is easy to learn, and see, but did you know that modern technologies can give inspectors even more tools for the process of focusing on various problems and issues associated with alternative energy? For instance, you’ll find that the modern drones...

Mapping and Photogrammetry Made Easier Drones, across the board, have changed the way that inspections are done. Amidst the varying degrees that tech has helped, drones have been able to create a solution that is more efficient than ever before. Mapping and photogrammetry, for instance, is a critical part of inspections of land, property and more. These elements are critical for figuring out what is going awry, and what elements are...

Inspeção de Torres de Energia com Drones A Spec Drones realizou várias inspeções no setor de energia renovável, com amplo conhecimento em turbinas eólicas e parques solares. Turbinas eólicas e seus respectivos revestimentos e inspeção de lâminas são imperativos para os operadores e é essencial manter essas estruturas maciças de acordo. Turbinas eólicas são freqüentemente atingidas por raios de luz, que podem causar danos excessivos à estrutura da lâmina, outros danos menos...

Drones and Precision Agriculture - Modernizing Farming and Beyond There is a lot of industries that are taking advantage of drones. You’re going to find that agriculture is not left out at at all. Modernizing farming today, many are using technology such as drones to capture imaging and much more. There are several ways that this can help, including precision agriculture so that farmers and surveyors get momentum during each season. Monitoring...

Inspeção Industrial com Drones Métodos de acesso padrão cobrindo grandes áreas em altura podem ser perigosos, extremamente demorados e muito caros. Os benefícios da tecnologia de drone da Spec Drones têm proporções épicas em relação a todos os aspectos do seu processo de inspeção. As preocupações de segurança decorrentes do trabalho em altura são erradicadas instantaneamente. Nenhum risco é necessário ao usar um drone para fins de inspeção. Os pilotos de drones...